Competence breeds Authenticity

Yuvraj Singh
2 min readAug 14, 2022


I’ve come across a lot of people who are way to honest about some things but not authentic and I say this in the terms of expertise. People do know a lot of things and they would preach it as well, but they’ve not followed it or they don’t resonate with it such that they can authentically deliver the message and inspire action.

The world is losing expertise, most of the people prefer short duration content instead of long ones such as books or podcasts. As a result of this the world in general is losing context on a lot many things. Reading a quote or a one liner will not make you wise unless you know the context behind the spoken words. This is affecting the authors and creators as well because forcefully they have to produce content which is short because that is in demand. No worries, there are still a lot of good books and podcasts out there which help you understand the logic behind the what is said. You can’t summarize and retain an hour long podcast in a single sentence and there is no argument against that.

One of my favorite movie is The Lord of the Rings. There is something about the movie which goes beyond the plot, beyond the characters. Why I am talking about this movie in this article? Because there is whole level of deep understanding of a value through a story. You learn a tons of things from this movie. The way it has shown the evolution of an human being when he goes through a journey, into the wilderness outside the comfort of the home. The value of friendship which is unbiased of any race or kind. The presence of a higher power which governs the world. Self belief, Courage, Love, Death and what not. You just can’t get a substitute of those 12 hours. That is why it is the greatest trilogy ever made and their will be a huge amount of brilliance required to match or surpass the depth of Tolkien.

Truth is what is hardly spoken but easily perceived. There is great saying “God has given us mouth to lie and eyes to speak the truth’. It’s as simple as that, but a lot of us make it complicated because it’s hard. But the thing is you have to be at peace with the truth one day or the other, you just can’t run away from it. Where does competency lies in all of this stuff? It takes a competent human to speak truth, to have good values, to do stuff that’s uncomfortable because an incompetent human can not realize this. Thus, you will always find authenticity while speaking to a competent human being who’s had his experiences to reach that stage.



Yuvraj Singh

A curious mind, sharing my learnings and experience of how I get through life full of questions and doubts. This is Me, Unfiltered