Less but Meaningful

Yuvraj Singh
1 min readApr 24, 2022


I wonder how many words we speak every day. It’s too hard to keep a count. But I have spoken maybe a word on some days and gone quite on several days as well. There is stillness is silence which cannot be experienced otherwise. I find myself many times speaking way too much without actually considering the fact that it’s unnecessary. What do we do then? Think about everything we speak. Absolutely not, that’s boring. Neither we should lose the child which talks nonsense. It’s required in this world. What I am talking about it is knowing when you’re talking and when you’re communicating.

What’s worth realizing is when you’re communicating, you should be able to convey the message you want the receiver to interpret. Many times we are so unclear in the way we communicate that our words don’t mean anything at all. I’ve seen people who speak very less, but their words have a high value. They’re precious, everyone respects and likes it when they speak. Now, it’s not necessary that if we speak less our words will have a value or vice versa. It’s the meaning we put in our words, the range in our vocabulary and how clean our communication is. Words have power, learn to use them wisely.



Yuvraj Singh

A curious mind, sharing my learnings and experience of how I get through life full of questions and doubts. This is Me, Unfiltered