No matter what you do, never neglect this

Yuvraj Singh
2 min readAug 17, 2022


I’ve been a extremist for quite some time now. I stretch things as far as I can unless my body or the mind burns out. Trust me, this feels so good when you’re in that zone, where everything is just so happening. You’re doing things so quickly, going places, pushing limits. I’ve always felt that I would keep on progressing, never letting my growth pace slow down. But, eventually there is a breaking point, when things fell apart, when you hit the rock bottom and then it takes a lot to get back up and get going again.

Every professional athlete knows the value of rest. Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the greatest has been consistently following his routine to recover and that is why he is still able to play at the highest level. There is a certain significance of rest which cannot be overlooked or substituted. It is what it is. Peak performers even know the value of taking rest in day to day activities. Taking in 5 minutes of breaks, or 30 min breaks. It’s like a default setting in them. I believe most of the people know about this, the value of rest, it’s importance and all that stuff. The point is even after knowing all this, and considering the fact that how much we like to rest, why do we fail to do it enough.

The answer lies in the human mindset. It’s easy to go with the flow then to go against it. Even if someone knows that he’s going to perform better by working for 25 min and then taking a 5 min break, still they’d prefer to work continuously. It’s this constant dilemma to lose focus, to get results, to be better is what makes us neglect that body and mind needs recharging.

Sleep is the most basic thing. Get it right, most of the problems automatically gets solved. Meditate, if you can. Go for walks in nature, stretch. Do things that makes you feel light and you’re set.



Yuvraj Singh

A curious mind, sharing my learnings and experience of how I get through life full of questions and doubts. This is Me, Unfiltered