The End
Part of a journey is the end, who doesn’t remember this epic dialogue from Avengers Endgame. These words are always on my mind these days, how do you define an end. Is it something painful, is it something relieving or is it something you never know is coming?
Almost a year into my chronic condition I was waiting for a doctor’s appointment, can’t explain how chaotic it is. There is something about the hospital’s environment that makes me feel low and drains my energy. Maybe the place where you can understand an ending and a beginning the most is a hospital. But, there is also a lot of negative energy lying around. All the pain and suffering of people just spread all over and you can feel that. I was sitting there wondering if their pain was more than what I was in. Does it hurts and irritates more. The answer is simple every individual has his/her own suffering, unique to them. There I was feeling blessed that I was getting better, feeling empowered that I knew I had the control to improve myself and feeling compassionate towards myself that I had endured a lot and came a long way. That was THE END of my suffering.
The End is always portrayed as something terrible and we do have a negative perspective towards ‘the end’. I’ll tell you what, sometimes it is very easy to end things than to continue them. Continuation feels like bondage, end feels like freedom. But it is the resilience of an individual which is tested in these situations. For example, you’re running a Marathon and somewhere in between, you start feeling pain in the body. Continuing would feel like bondage, Quitting would feel like freedom but if you stay in and complete the marathon, it would be liberating. The same applies in many areas of life, in our careers, in our relationships and in our personal growth. The call is always yours to embrace the pain and liberate yourself or to end things and be relieved, maybe for a short while. What do you think? Can you aspire to be a living GOD? (more on this in the next blog)