There is a lot of things going on right now, all of this pandemic stuff and lots of toxicity going all over social media. Everyone is so busy in trolling others because they have the freedom to speak but here the contradictory part we often neglect and doing the things that we don’t like if others do it. Just want to get this straight and provide some stuff that will make you feel good about yourself
How many times it happens we post the news that so and so did this, he should be punished, or this tragedy happened with someone, someone died and the list goes on. Here’s the interesting part that for example we post this person is bad because he is being such an asshole to that other person and doing this we don’t realize that we are also being asshole to that person.
SO, here’s the thing, instead of doing that there is lot of guys on social media creating and posting their creative stuff so why don’t we take just a minute to promote and appreciate their work, and believe me you are not doing this for him or her but for you. Just do this everyday and see how good you feel about that just appreciate one person everyday not only on social media but everywhere.