What’s driving you?

Yuvraj Singh
2 min readJan 19, 2024


I wrote an article a few months ago titled Are you the artist or Are you the pencil? This is close to an extension of that article where I want to talk about how somebody even gets to a point where they’re curious, or hardworking or organized and the list goes on and on and on.

So, the basic premise is people thing that everything that we do or achieve is a result of efforts we’ve put into that. Let’s just say that you’re very knowledgeable person. Where did you get that knowledge from? Maybe you studied and read a lot, and you had the opportunity and the resources to do so. But, so did so many other people, but they’re not knowledgeable. Now, you’ll say that you were very curious and wanted to know about a lot of things. That’s where my predicament comes in, how the hell somebody is curious whereas someone else is not?

So, there may be a lot of reasons for this, environmental, parental, social, etc. But, I’ve seen a lot of examples where people living in same environment turn out to be completely different. They may have interacted with a lot of different individuals in life, but to interact you must have a desire to interact, and a desire to interact with just a specific individual, where does that comes from?

I know it’ll sound silly and you’ll probably feel that what I’m saying is there is a luck factor involved in everything that happens in our life. But, giving that whole thing the term ‘luck’ is not enough and it does not do justice to this.

Most of the people I admire in life have gone through something significant that brought about a fundamental shift in how they think and act in life. These events did change something within them which compelled them to think differently. Let’s just say somebody lost a loved one or got a health condition. This might result in them thinking about their whole life itself. But, same thing may happen to somebody else and they might go in an opposite direction. So, how does that thinking pattern even began to emerge is my question.

As it is said life is the biggest teacher. But, what part about life are we talking about here, because everything we see, do, feel is life. There is no separateness from life. Maybe, by life it means some higher power at work or maybe it’s just nature or universe working in ways we can’t comprehend. Whatever it is I know for a fact that we’re not always in 100% control and acknowledging this fact out of responsibility helps us admit that there is only so much that we can do, detach from results of our actions and focus just on the efforts.



Yuvraj Singh
Yuvraj Singh

Written by Yuvraj Singh

A curious mind, sharing my learnings and experience of how I get through life full of questions and doubts. This is Me, Unfiltered

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