What’s messed up about Sacrificing

Yuvraj Singh
2 min readApr 17, 2022

Whether being crucified on a cross or fast forwarding to 21st century where everyone forgets about your identity (remember spiderman No way home), sacrificing has always been part of out society and is often seen as noble act, for greater good. I’ve always looked up at spiderman for the way he is. Young, still wise enough to look beyond teenage fun. He’s sacrificed a lot, but he’s got to save a hell lot of people and dozens of supervillains to fight. It’s marvel and yeah it does give you chills when you see peter’s face at the end of no way home, that’s a face of a man who’s sacrificed a lot. But anyways, we aren’t getting space wars in near future nor we’re going through multiverse crises. We’re not going to have kids just to join the army to fight Nazis or go through food shortage. We’re living in the most comfortable era humanity has ever seen and though you might wanna fight aliens in your fantasies and be a hero, you probably won’t have a chance to sacrifice your life for humanity in reality.

So, what do we sacrifice in today’s world then. Most of our lives revolves around people and more often than not they are the one’s who give us reasons to live. Take anything you do and remove human element from it and it’s just meaningless. Even while meditating you’d think of the girl who broke your heart, it’s just the way it is. We go through life creating certain relationships which dictates the way we live. You often would make certain choices in life which would be in accordance to the agreement of family, sacrificing your self interest. Then there would be those relationships you would hold on to, trying every bit not to hurt other person, but eventually you’ll do. You make sacrifices for your partner, kids, parents and so on. But you know who you’re lying to, betraying and neglecting. It’s you. It’s you who has been with you from the start and will be till the end, why don’t you make some sacrifices for yourself. I know all about ethical and social dilemmas, but they’re the reason we’re so messed up. There’s a beautiful dialogue from a movie. The more you sacrifice for others, you start losing parts of yourself and one day when it’s too much, you’ll be like a living corpse. A dead man, and a dead man can neither keep himself happy or the others. Know that everything comes at a cost, and the cost of your well being is too high, in fact it’s the most expensive thing. SO, choose wisely, because whatever way you go, either you’ll find yourself or lose yourself.



Yuvraj Singh

A curious mind, sharing my learnings and experience of how I get through life full of questions and doubts. This is Me, Unfiltered